Writing Tips: My Master Character Sheet

There are plenty of ways to create your characters but as I'm sure we all know, a good character is a well developed one. If anything the author or yourself should know a lot about the protagonist of the story. We should know them inside out and sometimes learning even the little things about them…

9 Top Tips for Succeeding at Camp Nanowrimo.

writing in a notebook With Camp Nanowrimo (Camp National Novel Writing Month) underway, I thought I would share some top tips for succeeding at this month long endeavor. I've participated in Camp Nanowrimo on and off throughout the years and I think it's a really fun activity to participate in. I love that they expanded…

Writing Advice: How to Write Better Descriptive Dialogue.

This post was originally published on my original blog and contains snippets from old past writing of mine. Up until a couple months ago, I had this problem that plagued me ever since I started writing. Dialogue has been something I've always considered myself good at- not great- but good, but while I am good…

Are Evernote’s writing sheets helpful?

I discovered in high school Evernote after my Microsoft Office subscription combusted and I lost everything I had saved on my OneNote. Since then I've used Evernote on and off and find it useful for a variety of things. One of things I find interesting about the program is their templates for their notes. I…

PSA: Back Up Your Stuff Right Now

https://open.spotify.com/episode/7xbbKNQLNG5X6FyffyLMzB?si=3491c0e644f945bf Photo by Zen Chung on Pexels.com BACKING UP YOUR FILES IS IMPORTANT. HERE'S THE STORY. Why backing up is important:This is so important for writers. Say you've been working on that 80k word novel for three years and you just finished it. It's amazing and you know that it'll be a best seller for sure.…