Mid-January 2022 Forecast

https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ixjsVcZl04gvXsAXegptM?si=0201c84283634789 I’m aware we’re basically halfway through the month, so I’m making this kinda like a check in almost. I’ve been really busy at work this last week but it’s been going well! Hoping to get some posts pre-done soon so I can publish and go. For the month of January, I’m going to be…

What I’m planning on writing for Nanowrimo this year.

I remembered suddenly the other day that November is coming up really fast and that means Nanowrimo. I tried to participate in Camp Nanowrimo in July and got a decent way into my book before being sidetracked by moving. So I have a couple of different ideas I’m playing around with for this fall. The…

(Repost) Do you need to read to be a good writer?

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0OFnNgqEKUY2kI2FouBuhu?si=7b9af729281c4a5a Photo by Samson Katt on Pexels.com This is a repost from my old blogger blog. If you see an error or something else wrong, please let me know so I can correct it. So I know this is a question that depends on the person, but honestly, I just wanted to throw my two…

Should I write multiple projects at once or just one?

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LfvjkZR7y4Q3zHB4CvUFc?si=7d76c48aa79948d3 Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com This a repost that was originally published on my old blog. Do you write one book at a time, or do you work on multiple at once? I decided it might be helpful for those trying to decide on what project to work on to create a pros vs…